Reflective Writing
In accordance with our research-oriented apprehension, it is true that the major hindrance in the way of writing in a reflexive tone is to wrap up individual opinions within the domain of concern. In academic domain, unlike in philosophical treatises, digression is comparatively obtrusive which, in turn, pose adverse impacts on the obtained marks. Furthermore, our study also suggests that the habit of repetition is also adverse to the expected results out of a reflective piece. These problems in the time of attending any reflective piece are mainly caused by inadequate knowledge regarding the core concern of the piece. Most of the students try to attend reflective pieces while conducting a reflective research only and, in this way, they are inevitable to face adverse remarks from the concerned tutor. The ability, which is subjected to ordeal during writing a reflective piece, is the ability to attune individual opinions with pre-existing apprehensions. Furthermore, there is also an embedded duty of reflective writing is to render to a way out to the jumble of already existing opinions. Keeping these aspects in our mind, we train our writers to reflect upon something and emphasizing their arguments in a way, which bears the traces of meticulous research.
Furthermore, it has been seen that the improved form of reflective writing, apart from including individual opinions, also include critical remarks regarding the pre-existing apprehensions. Our experts, during attending a reflective piece, always keep in this mind.