How is academic writing different from other types of writing?
Academic writing is writing that focuses on a specific topic or subject with relevant information, and the author aims to provide their viewpoint through academic sources and theory. Academic writing includes scholarly essays, research papers, dissertations, a thesis, annotated bibliography and many more. The most crucial skill for academics is academic writing, which supports the formal and effective expression of understanding and research findings. Academic writing is mainly based on academic findings and research that is especially intended for the scholarly audience. Other forms of writing mostly focus on general topics and are not intended to write it for a scholarly audience. Other forms of writing are emotional, objective or impressionistic that engage the mass public. It includes magazines, audiences, novels and websites.

Academic writing is different from the other forms of writing as it uses academic vocabulary and conveys information in academic tones that makes the argument more attractive. At the same time, other forms of writing do not include many argumentative tones that require academic vocabulary or resources to provide the point or topic. An academic’s writing is more structured and conveys the entire message with proper outlines that help to develop an argument or thesis statement, and it contains all the supporting data. It uses specific sentence lengths and proper punctuation that help the audience to connect with the audience, whereas other forms of writing are not critical or structured; it includes only information that connects with the mass public more emotionally. Academic writing uses the third person, and to refer to oneself, it uses researchers, whereas the other forms of writing use first person tone and express their personal experience. Academic writing uses formal language, and it minimises the use of contraction or jargon. It offers a varying degree of flexibility and flows the information logically, whereas the other forms of writing use an informal tone and communicate with the mass public.
Academic writing requires proofreading and editing to improve grammatical mistakes; it requires not too long and not too short paragraphs to have cohesive and clear information about the study. Academic writing requires strict revision to understand the topic properly, whereas the other forms of writing are not written for a scholarly audience and do not have a specific sentence or paragraph structure. Academic writings contain citations and references to explain specific points or information and are based on more serious topics, which include complex sentences and statistical data, whereas other forms of writing are based on conversational through and do not contain any citations and references that readers include family and friends that require simple and short sentences. Academic writing is error-free and organised in a planned manner which includes technical and academic language, whereas the other forms of writing are less organised and structured with the use of short forms, idioms and slang that engage readers for entertainment. Academic writing is different from other forms of writing as it avoids exaggeration and has several types that make the writing style more appreciative to the readers and avoids repeating, whereas other forms of writing use generalised information and tone that pose questions to the readers.